10 historias de pareja que confirman que el hilo rojo del destino existe

10 historias de pareja que confirman que el hilo rojo del destino existe
Parejas y destino RS

El destino es algo que muchos se niegan a creer, pero algunas historias no le dejan tan claro. (Tres millones de españoles han ‘corneado’ a sus parejas en sus viajes en solitario).

Existe un mito chino de la antiguedad según el cual, el amor es algo mágico. Si dos personas están destinadas a estar juntas, se conocerán tarde o temprano sin importar lo lejos que estén el uno del otro.

El hecho de que sus vidas están destinadas a cruzarse se compara con una conexión con un «hilo rojo» invisible. (La pareja que lo dejó todo para recorrer el mundo en bicicleta y acabó asesinada por terroristas islámicos).

Estas historias recopiladas por demuestran que la leyenda existe, y que dos corazones destinados a estar juntos para siempre encontrarán la manera de encontrarse.


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“Justin & I met on a dating site when we were both 32 years old. We were two wounded hearts coming together. A few years before we met, Justin’s fiancé was tragically murdered the night before they were supposed to move in together. It took him years to cope with this unexpected & devastating loss. I too was damaged. Most of my past relationships had been with men who mistreated me and made me feel unworthy. When I came across Justin’s profile, something drew me towards him. When we started talking, we had an instant chemistry. It felt like we had known each other forever. When we first met, Justin told me he liked my name because his first crush was a girl named Amy in preschool. I jokingly told him I didn’t want to hear about another girl named Amy who wasn’t me. A month into our relationship, I pointed out a scar above Justin’s eye & asked him how he got it. He told me it was from falling off the monkey bars at «good ol’ Sunshine preschool.» My jaw dropped, I squealed, «What! That’s where I went to preschool!» And then another realization, «Justin! We’re the same age! We must have gone to preschool together!» Justin looked at me in a state of shock & then said, «Babe, don’t you remember me telling you about my 1st crush being a girl named Amy?» My heart almost exploded. «Maybe I was that Amy!» I ecstatically said, «Oh my god, babe. We’re preschool sweethearts!» We immediately called our moms & had them dig through old photos. Sure enough, my mom found our class picture from Sunshine Preschool, and not only were Justin and I both in it, but we were sitting right next to each other. This confirmed that we were in fact Preschool Sweethearts, and furthermore, destined to be together from the start. We also believe that Justin’s late fiancé is his guardian angel who guided us back together. About 2 years after we started dating, I wrote a letter to a news station about our story. 3 weeks later, we were invited to appear on The View, but little did I know, there was a whole other surprise in store. Justin proposed to me live on TV and had students from Sunshine Preschool hold up signs that said, “Amy, will you marry me?” I’m here to say second chances are possible»

Una publicación compartida de the way we met (@thewaywemet) el 15 Feb, 2018 a las 3:43 PST

“Justin y Amy se conocieron en línea y comenzaron a salir cuando tenían 32 años. En esta relación, sintieron que se conocían desde siempre. Un día Justin le contó una historia sobre su primer enamorada, que también se llamaba Amy, que conocía en el preescolar. Luego, accidentalmente mencionó que fue a Sunshine Preschool. Como tienen la misma edad, se dieron cuenta de que habían ido juntos al preescolar. Así es como descubrieron que habían sido novios de la infancia y que finalmente se encontraron a su manera.”

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«Our moms have been best friends since high school, so they were thrilled when they found out they were pregnant at the same time. They were due the EXACT same day, but I ended up beating Adam by 3 weeks. I grew up in Denver, CO while Adam’s family lived in Westchester, NY. Growing up, my mom would always tell me about her best friend’s son, but all I knew was that we lived weirdly parallel lives. I would fall off my bike and scrape my leg and the next week he would randomly do the same. I should have known how things would turn out. In high school, my family decided to take a trip to Westchester to visit Adam’s family, and we instantly clicked. We became best friends and continued to talk all the time. During Senior year, Adam called me one day and asked me to go to prom with him. I couldn’t have been more excited. I booked my plane ticket and before I knew it, I was on my way back to Manchester again for a weekend that would change my life. Adam kissed me during the last slow song and it was then I realized we were meant to be together. We’re both away at different colleges now, but our relationship is still going strong. We see each other once a month and are planning to move in together after we graduate. I’m convinced our moms planned it to be this way all along.»

Una publicación compartida de the way we met (@thewaywemet) el 4 Feb, 2016 a las 2:44 PST

“La mamá de Madeline es la mejor amiga de la mamá de Adam. Estaban emocionadas por el hecho de que quedaron embarazadas al mismo tiempo. Después de dar a luz, vivían en ciudades separadas, pero a menudo les contaban a sus hijos sobre su amistad. Habían oído mucho uno del otro por medio de sus madres. En la escuela secundaria, la familia de Madeline decidió visitar a la familia de Adam en Westchester, Nueva York, y fácilmente se convirtieron en mejores amigos. Un día, Adam la llamó y le pidió que fuera con él a su fiesta de graduación, que es donde se dieron cuenta de que estaban destinados a estar juntos. A pesar de que ahora están en diferentes universidades, su amor sigue siendo muy fuerte.” Ella encontró a su novio en una vieja foto de la playa. “Un día Verona estaba mirando las fotos viejas de su familia. Ella decidió mostrarle una de esas fotos a su novio solo para reírse un rato de eso. Para su sorpresa, ella observó a un niño en el fondo y Mirand, su novio, recordó que había tenido la misma camiseta, pantalones cortos y una balsa. Entonces él comenzó a analizar la situación un poco más en profundidad, reuniendo a miembros de la familia solo para confirmar y darse cuenta de que el niño de la foto era él. Se había colado en la foto de la familia de su futura esposa, 10 años antes.”

“El Sr. Ye conoció y se enamoró de su esposa en el 2011 en Chegdu y actualmente tienen hijas gemelas. Un día, el Sr Ye estaba mirando las fotos antiguas de su esposa e hizo un descubrimiento sorprendente: se dio cuenta de que en julio del 2000 ambos estaban en la plaza May Fourth al mismo tiempo. Gracias al álbum de fotos de su familia, se dieron cuenta de que sus caminos ya se habían cruzado cuando eran adolescentes. Ahora quieren llevar a toda la familia al mismo lugar para tomar una foto todos juntos.”

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“Kathleen was my first friend. I was 2 years old when we ‘met’ living in Geneva, Switzerland (she’s 8 months younger than me). Our parents were close friends & our families did practically everything together. When I turned 5, my family moved to the United States & lost contact with Kathleen’s family for many years. It would be decades before the internet, specifically Facebook, came about and enabled our parents to finally track each other down. Shortly after reconnecting, Kathleen’s family arranged a trip to come visit us in the U.S. I was now 18 and Kathleen was 17. I remember having some sort of feelings for her, but I figured it was just the familiarity of our childhoods. We even briefly talked about her going to my High School prom with me, but it never happened. After that visit, Kathleen & her family returned to Switzerland and we ended up losing touch again for the next few years. Then, on April 24, 2009, my mother passed away after having a stroke. She suffered for a long time with serious health issues including diabetes & kidney failure. It was so devastating and painful to lose her. The day after she passed, I received a message on Facebook that said, “It’s Kathleen, I hope you remember me.” She was reaching out to offer her condolences. After that message, we ended up talking every day. Then one afternoon, I randomly said “What if we had never left Switzerland?” And she answered, “Well we would have probably ended up together.” That simple exchange of words changed everything. For Kathleen’s birthday, her parents bought her a flight to come visit me in Philadelphia. When she arrived, we both couldn’t deny the magnetic pull between us- which I believe was partially my stubborn mother getting her way up in heaven. Kathleen & I had no idea if we could make this relationship work, especially living across the world from each other, but a bond like ours is not easy to replace. In the end it took 7 years of being in a long distance relationship. Everyone told us it would never work, but on December 28, 2016 we proved them all wrong when I married my best & first friend. My mom loved Kathleen like a daughter & I know she is smiling down on us.”

Una publicación compartida de the way we met (@thewaywemet) el 16 Ene, 2018 a las 6:06 PST

“Kathleen fue su primer amiga. Sus familiares hicieron casi todo junto cuando vivían en Ginebra. Cuando cumplió 5 aňos, su familia se mudo a los Estados Unidos y sus familias comenzaron a vivir por separado. Después de décadas, sus padres se encontraron de nuevo gracias a Facebook. La familia de Kathleen visitó a la suya en los Estados Unidos. Ella tenía 17 años y él tenía 18 cuando comenzó a tener sentimientos por ella. Pero su familia regresó a Suiza y perdieron el contacto otra vez. Cuando su madre falleció, Kathleen se acercó a él en Facebook y comenzaron a hablar todos los días. Pasaron 7 años en una relación a larga distancia y ahora están felizmente casados.”

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«Laura and I met in preschool. One of my very first memories is of being 3 years old and standing up in front of my pre-school class, declaring that I would marry her someday. As kids, Laura taught me how to ride the swings, draw rolling hills, and the ‘right way’ to properly eat string cheese. We have fond memories of playing hide-and-go-seek, chasing after each other on the playground, and mischievously staying up during nap time. I was enamored with Laura as a child, and I still am to this day. Eventually, we lost touch upon entering our Elementary School days and for the next seven years, our family’s annual Christmas cards was the only way we ever saw each other’s faces. It wasn’t until High School that we reconnected by happenstance through a mutual friend. Within two weeks, we decided to be boyfriend and girlfriend. We continued to date through out all of High School, even though we went to different schools. We even stuck together long-distance while attending colleges in different states. We remained a resilient couple until May 23rd, 2015 when I decided to stay true to my preschool pledge and make Laura my wife. I proposed to her at the place it all began… our preschool classroom.»

Una publicación compartida de the way we met (@thewaywemet) el 19 Jun, 2017 a las 4:42 PDT

“Conoció a Laura en el preescolar. Él claramente recuerda que tenía 3 años, parado frente a sus amigos preescolares prometiendo casarse con ella algún día. Cuando eran niños, estaban muy unidos, pero perdieron el contacto cuando ingresaron a la escuela primaria. Después de eso, se vieron solo en las tarjetas de Navidad enviadas por sus padres. No fue hasta la escuela secundaria que se volvieron a conectar y comenzaron a salir poco después. Él se mantuvo fiel a la promesa de su infancia y se casó con Laura después de la Universidad.”

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«Our love story is a tale of destiny. It’s proof that what’s meant to be will always find a way and come full circle. Our story began in Saudi Arabia, of all places, where both of our parents worked as ex-patriots for the Oil Company Armco. Even though both of our families are originally from different states in the U.S., Michael and I would meet for the first time as babies half way across the world. If that’s not fate enough, we were also neighbors. Over time our families grew close and went on to celebrate many holidays together including christmases and birthdays. We even took random trips together to the ice cream lady down the street. However, our young love would come to a temporary halt when both of our parents decided after several years of living in Saudi to head back to the states and go their separate ways. It would be a very long time before Michael and I would ever speak another word to each other again. It wasn’t until 20 years later, through the magic of the internet, that we reconnected. We reminisced over an old album of photos on Facebook from when we were babies living in Saudi. These cherished photos led to many laughs and trips down memory lane. To our astonishment there was a spark, a fire that had been repressed deep down inside both of us. We decided to rekindle our friendship and see each other for the «first» time in what seemed to be a lifetime. Apprehension, uncertainty, and an undeniably strong bond ushered in the sense of pure joy when we finally reunited in Naples, Florida. It was in that moment we realized we had a destined true love, blessed by the grace of God. We feel we are the definition of real soulmates.»

Una publicación compartida de the way we met (@thewaywemet) el 2 Feb, 2017 a las 3:40 PST

“Su historia comenzó en Arabia Saudita, donde sus padres trabajaban para la compañía petrolera Amco. Sus familias estaban cerca y pasaron la mayoría de las vacaciones juntos. Pero sus vidas se separaron cuando sus familias decidieron mudarse a los Estados Unidos. Ella encontró a Michael 20 años después a través de la magia de Internet. Se reconectaron recordando los recuerdos de su infancia y se dieron cuenta de que se sentían como almas gemelas destinadas a estar juntas.”

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«Ramiro was my first High School crush and young love. We were 15 years old and living in Canada when Ramiro told me he was moving to Argentina. His mom passed away when he was younger and his family decided it was best for them to move back home to Argentina. I was devastated to think I would never see him again, but being so young, there was nothing I could do. I had no choice but to say goodbye. As the years went on, we inevitably lost touch. Then in 2008, I heard through word of mouth that Ramiro was moving back to Canada for good. Soon after, we started running into each other while out with mutual friends. We would reminisce about the innocent puppy love we shared back in the day and laugh. Even after all that time, I still had butterflies when I talked to him. It was obvious I still had love for the boy next door who stole my heart all those years ago. For the next few years, we’d continue to bump into each other in the most random places- Rib Fest in Toronto, at World Cup celebrations downtown, at soccer games, etc. Even in crowds filled with thousands of people, somehow our eyes met. I remember going home after each encounter and telling my family, «I don’t know what is happening but it feels like fate keeps pushing us together.» Turns out, Ramiro felt the same way. In November 2015 he finally asked me to be his girlfriend and we’ve been inseparable ever since. The craziest part about our story is that a few months ago, his sister went to a psychic medium to try and communicate with their mom who passed away. The medium told her that their mom was always with them and was even able to validate specific memories of their past. Then the medium said, «Your mom wants your brother to know that she is the one who pushed Alexandra into Ramiro’s path every time.» I truly believe she was behind the magic that brought us back together again.»

Una publicación compartida de the way we met (@thewaywemet) el 2 Jun, 2017 a las 4:19 PDT

“Fue su primer amor en la escuela secundaria. Vivían al lado en Canadá, pero el destino los separó cuando se mudó a Argentina. No podían hacer nada en esta situación y pensaron que nunca volverían a verse. Después de muchos años, Ramiro decidió regresar a Canadá y no pudo resistir los sentimientos de su infancia. Comenzaron a chocar entre sí en diferentes lugares. Sentía que el destino los había unido. Poco después él le pidió a ella que fuera su novia.”

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«In 1998, when we were 5 years old, we were forced to walk down the aisle together as the ring bearer and flower girl in a family/ friend’s wedding. Actually, only he was forced because I was very excited. I had a huge crush on him, but he hated me. After the wedding, we didn’t see each other again for years. Then in middle school, we ran into each other at a church event, and that’s when Adrian says his feelings for me began to change. We lost touch after that and didn’t reconnect until we were both in high school and I went to hear Adrian preach for a youth service at his church. We started dating shortly after that and got engaged in November of 2014. This past September, we walked down the aisle together in the same church as we did 17 years ago. Except this time as husband and wife.»

Una publicación compartida de the way we met (@thewaywemet) el 4 Nov, 2015 a las 1:58 PST

“Cuando tenían 5 aňos, tuvieron que caminar por el pasillo para desfilar: ella como niña de las flores y él, como niño que llevaba los anillos. Ella ya estaba enamorada de Adrian, pero él actuaba como si la odiara. Después de la boda, no se vieron durante mucho tiempo. Luego se volvieron a conectar en la escuela secundaria cuando se conocieron en un evento de la Iglesia. Comenzaron a salir poco después y pronto Adrian le propuso matrimonio. Caminaron por el pasillo nuevamente en la misma Iglesia como lo hicieron 17 años antes.”

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«Tomorrow is my parents 25th anniversary and they are still as in love today as they were when they met 45 years ago. At ages 2 and 4 they were next-door neighbors and quickly became the best of friends. Unfortunately my dad’s family moved away to California but their mom’s (my grandmothers) wrote letters to each other to keep in touch. My dad went on to attend the Naval Academy and would often visit my mom’s family in Connecticut- always hoping my mom would be home visiting from college in Philadelphia. Eventually, she caught on and their flame ignited. He proposed at the Army-Navy football game in 1990. My parents have shown tremendous strength throughout my dad’s entire military career with all the relocating and trips apart, all while raising four kids. They’re thoughtful and kind to one another but never lose their spirit or sense of adventure. They still climb mountains and attend rock concerts together. Their love is the best kind.» (Sent in by their daughter @fionaelisabeth)

Una publicación compartida de the way we met (@thewaywemet) el 18 Oct, 2016 a las 4:15 PDT

“Cuando eran niños, vivían uno al lado del otro y se hicieron mejores amigos. Desafortunadamente, los padres de él decidieron mudarse a California pero no perdieron el contacto y continuaron escribiéndose cartas entre ellos. Asistió a la Academia Naval y siempre visitó a la familia de ella en Connecticut, con la esperanza de que ella estuviera en casa de visita de la Universidad en Filadelfia. Finalmente ella se fijo en él y se encendió la llama, y se enamoraron. Él se le propuso en el juego de fútbol de la armada-naval, en 1990. Han demostrado una tremenda fortaleza como pareja a lo largo de toda la carrera militar de él, con las reubicaciones y los viajes en los cuales han estado separados. Ya han celebrado su 25 aniversario y no han perdido su espíritu de aventura. Todavía van a conciertos de rock y escalan montañas juntos.”



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